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Princípy rastúceho a udržateľného vzťahu

seriál 10 videoprednášok

Lektor: Yehuda Tagar

Dĺžka: 3+ hodín videoobsahu

Jazyk: angličtina (bez titulkov)

Cena: 89 €

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INTRO Introduction to seminar, method and the principles.

Introduction to seminar, method and the principles.


Crisis in a relationship is not a pathology

A shift from ‘Psycho-Therapy’ to ‘Psycho-Development’.


Healthy relationship is growing relationship

Every crisis and challenge in the life of the relationship is potentially an opportunity for the realisation of the potential of higher dimension of personal and of couple development.

PRINCIPLE 2 – practise

Practical steps how to discover the relationship potential

PRINCIPLE 3 You as you are now – just cannot do it A problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. A consciousness-upgrade is needed.

You as you are now – just cannot do it

A problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. A consciousness-upgrade is needed.


The conflict is created by the two. The solution can only be created by one at a time

The development required in order to upgrade the relationship – is an individual development.


Relationship is with the whole person: his/her light as well as his/her darkness

In committed personal relationship with your partner you have chosen, consciously or not, to have intimate relationship with their dark, unconscious, un-transformed, destructive elements as well.


You cannot change anyone else

Any attempt to force a change on someone else – just starts another war. No one else has the password for changing my program. Only I have it for me, only you have it for you, potentially.


You have to accept the partner as he/she is

People will change if they want to change, and if they are capable of change, according to their own direction, not according to yours. If you cannot accept them as they are – don’t form a relationship with them.


There is no ONE absolute truth – Reality is an individual creation

Each person constructs his/her reality in their own individual way.  It is an objective fact that people’s realities are subjective. 

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